Allen S. Lee is Professor Emeritus of Information Systems at Virginia Commonwealth University and Honorary Professor in the Discipline of Business Information Systems, The University of Sydney Business School. He was a full professor at VCU from 1998 to 2017. He served as associate dean at both VCU and McGill University, as editor-in-chief of MIS Quarterly, and as a founding senior editor of MIS Quarterly Executive. He also served as Paul Paré Professor of Information Systems at McGill University, associate professor at the University of Cincinnati, and associate and assistant professor at Northeastern University. His research program over more than four decades has involved identifying basic lessons from the philosophy and history of science and extending them, in the information systems discipline, to show not only how qualitative research can be done rigorously, but also how quantitative research equally needs to live up to the requirements of science. What he has taught includes doctoral seminars on systems theory, social theory, and qualitative research methods; the MBA core course on information systems; and undergraduate database and statistics courses.
He is a Fellow of the Association for Information Systems, a member of the Circle of Compadres of the Information Systems and Sciences Doctoral Students Association (ISSDSA) of the PhD Project, and a founder of Chinese American Professors of Information Systems. In 2015, he received the LEO Award for “lifetime exceptional achievement in information systems” from the Association for Information Systems.
Google Scholar provides a list of his publications and citation counts.
A native of New York City’s Chinatown, he graduated from Public School 23 and Junior High School 22 (both in Manhattan), and from Brooklyn Technical High School. His bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees are from Cornell University, the University of California at Berkeley, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, respectively. He was previously an honorary professor at Queen’s University Belfast and a visiting professor at the London School of Economics.
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